
Ellen Burstyn on Working with Sebastian Again

VANITY FAIR spoke with the fabulous Ellen Burstyn recently, and she had nothing but kind words to say about Sebastian! Read below to see what she had to say. šŸ™‚

So how has it been working with Sebastian Stan again?
Oh, terrific. We were still doing Political Animals when he met with [Picnic director] Sam Gold and he told me about it, and then I was all excited for him because I thought it was a wonderful part for him, and then all of a sudden I got a call to meet with Sam. When I did, I told him how much I enjoyed working with Sebastian, and I was kind of pitching him to Sam. And Sam said, ā€œIā€™m hiring him.ā€ So he had already decided. I was very excited for him. Heā€™s a darling guy. Heā€™s just real sweet and we are having a very good time.

Yes. You can tell! The chemistry is very obvious onstage between the two of you.
Yeah, I must say the whole company, you know, itā€™s a true ensemble and we get along very well. Everybody is terrific. Theyā€™re wonderful people, and we are having a glorious time.

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