
Political Animals: Episodic Stills and Behind the Scenes Photos Added

I’ve added 4 behind the scenes photos in addition to the 19 episodic stills from Political Animals into the gallery.

Gallery Links:
Political Animals (2012) > Behind The Scenes
Political Animals (2012) > Episodic Stills


Production Stills from The Apparition Added!

I’ve added 12 stills of Sebastian from The Apparition into the gallery.

Gallery Link:
The Apparition (2012) > Production Stills


Grand Opening of Sebastian Stan Fan!

Welcome to the official grand opening of Sebastian Stan Fan! I’m so very excited to finally have the site open. I’ve been a fan of Sebastian’s for some time now, and I’m actually surprised it’s taken me this long to finally create a site for him but everything in it’s own due time I suppose. 🙂

I hope you find the site easy to browse, and enjoy the page content including the still growing gallery! I’m still in the process of adding all his projects, more specifically captures from said projects so hang tight!

Thanks for visiting!