
Photos: (New/Old Events): ‘The Apparition’ Set Photos + CCXP 2018: Marvel Panel Photos

Tiny surprise update! I’ve added 16 total new UHQ photos of Sebastian filming ‘The Apparition’ in 2010 and new photos of Sebastian at CCXP 2018: Marvel Panel – São Paulo, Brazil to the gallery.


Photos: Old/New (Updated) 2022 Various Events – MET Gala Events, After Parties + Independent Spirit Perspective Portraits

I’ve updated various 2022 events with new/old UHQ photos. There are 134 photos total added to the gallery. I hope you find something new and enjoyable.


Photos: More New Cannes Photos (includes Cannes Roundup Posts / Last Batch) – Post VI

Last Cannes update! I’ve added 200+ new photos from Sebastian attending the Cannes Film Festival photocall and red carpet to the gallery. For the other Cannes round up posts (including video of all of the events) check Cannes Post I Cannes Post II, Cannes Post III , Cannes Post VI, and the previous post Cannes Post V.


Photos: More New Cannes Photos (includes Cannes Roundup Posts) + New ‘Pam & Tommy’ Stills – Post V

Tiny update! I’ve added 30+ new photos from Sebastian attending Cannes photocall as well as 3 brand new stills from ‘Pam & Tommy’ to the gallery. For the other Cannes round up posts (including video of all of the events) check Cannes Post I Cannes Post II, Cannes Post III ,and Cannes Post VI.


Photos: More New Cannes Photos (includes Cannes Roundup Posts) – Post IV

I’ve added 40+ new photos from Sebastian attending various Cannes events to the gallery. For the other Cannes round up posts (including video of all of the events) check Cannes Post I and Cannes Post II, and Cannes Post III. Thank you to Thank you to Elizabeth-Olsen.com for assistance earlier this week (during round up post II for some of the photos). Check the following albums below for what was added today.


Photos: Day 8 Sightings – Cannes Film Festival (includes Cannes Roundup posts)

I’ve added 2 new UHQ photos of Sebastian on Day 8 to the gallery. For the other two Cannes round up posts check Cannes Post I and Cannes Post II


News/Photos: Hollywood Authentic – Cannes Dispatch (w/ Photos)

Hollywood Authentic

Sebastian Stan has played real life protagonists on film before – most notably Jeff Gillooly, in the critically acclaimed, I, Tonya and Tommy Lee in awards-winning Pam and Tommy. But his turn as former president, Donald Trump, in Ali Abbasi’s The Apprentice, is attracting heat – not least from the 45th POTUS himself. ‘As always it’s about understanding,’ Stan told Hollywood Authentic when we shot him before the premiere at the Palais. ‘The challenge was perhaps working against preconceived ideas or what’s currently out there. Had to go back in time. To the beginning. And go step by step without judgment.’

Premiering in Cannes this week, The Apprentice charts the rise of Trump in 70s and 80s New York as he evolves from a debt collector with real estate ambitions to a Manhattan baller who learns how to ‘win’ from unscrupulous lawyer Roy Cohn (Jeremy Strong). An origin story, if you will.

Stan, with his sandy wig and pursed lips, portrays Trump as a nuanced sponge to Cohen’s shady mentorship, a kid trying to get out from under the shadow of his father who takes advice we now recognise as his MO, and runs with it. As he grows in capital and stature, the boy becomes a man, the persona fixed.

It’s certainly a big swing for Stan, taking on the depiction of such a divisive, current figure. But the gamble paid off in Cannes – the film received an 8 minute standing ovation at its premiere and prompted discussion on the Croisette. Though Trump himself is threatening to sue to production and disputing the depiction of events.

‘The hope we have is that people watch the film cos I always feel that there is always something to learn,’ Stan says of the movie that sees Trump betray family and friends, get liposuction and BJs, and bend the truth to his needs. ‘For me as an actor standing next to this brave artist [Abbasi] that I respect and will follow wherever he goes – and all these people that had enough balls to do this project – we have to take on things that are risky and perhaps uncomfortable to talk about. I think it’s important that we do, because it’s in our face every day and we need to have a perspective. And I think there’s a lot to learn from the film.’

Sebastian Stan wears Balenciago. Watch by Cartier.


Photo/Videos: ‘The Apprentice’ Photocall + Press Conference – The 77th Annual Cannes Film Festival & ‘A Different Man’ USA Release Date

I’ve added over 150+ UHQ photos of Sebastian at ‘The Apprentice’ Photocall + Press Conference – The 77th Annual Cannes Film Festival to the gallery. In addition I’ve also added screen captures of the photocall and press conference as well as a Cannes Diary photo to the gallery. Keep checking back for more today.

If you missed either of the events check out the videos below to watch.Sebastian also confirmed the USA release date for ‘ A Different Man’ check the tweet with video below.


Photos/Video: “The Apprentice” Red Carpet + After Party – The 77th Annual Cannes Film Festival

I’ve added over 200+ UHQ photos of Sebastian at ‘The Apprentice’ Red Carpet + After Party – The 77th Annual Cannes Film Festival to the gallery. In addition I’ve also added screen captures of the red carpet and the cast at the end of the film’s showing as well as 3 production stills from ‘The Apprentice’ to the gallery.

If you missed either of the events check out the videos below to watch. The press confrence and photocall will happen tomorrow morning.


Photos: Sebastian at 2024 Kering Women In Motion Awards And Cannes Film Festival Presidential Dinner – The 77th Annual Cannes Film Festival

I’ve added UHQ photos of Sebastian at 2024 Kering Women In Motion Awards And Cannes Film Festival Presidential Dinner – The 77th Annual Cannes Film Festival to the gallery. ‘The Apprentice premieres at Cannes tomorrow and press for the film takes place on Tuesday.