Category: The Apprentice


News: Will Donald Trump see The Apprentice? The cast and filmmakers weigh in

EW – “I hope he sees it. That would alone be worth making it,” Jeremy Strong tells EW.

The cast and filmmakers behind The Apprentice agree on a lot about its controversial subject matter — except for the one question on everyone’s minds now that it’s finally hitting theaters: Will Donald Trump see the movie?

There are valid arguments and evidence for both possible answers. On the one hand, the former president and current Republican nominee has already threatened to sue the filmmakers over his portrayal, with his spokesperson calling it “a concoction of lies that repeatedly defames” Trump. And it’s true, it’s far from a glowing portrait. Over the course of the movie (opening Oct. 11), the dealmaker (played by Sebastian Stan) is shown taking diet pills, getting plastic surgery, and, most disturbing of all, raping his former wife, Ivana, as she alleged happened in a 1990 divorce deposition. (She later denied her initial testimony, saying she felt “violated” but did not mean to be alleging rape “in a literal criminal sense.”)

But it’s not all bad, either. The filmmakers have stressed that they aim to humanize Trump with their movie, which follows him in the late ‘70s and early ‘80s as he grows from a middling real estate heir into a man synonymous with wealth and power. Plus, the 45th president’s love for movies is well-documented. As referenced in the movie, it was his infatuation with West Side Story that led him to collect switchblades as a teen. When he found his son’s stash, Fred Trump Sr. shipped off young Donald to a harsh military school known for corporal punishment. After graduating, he continued toying with the idea of following his dream to become an actor before settling on business school. As president, he screened movies at the White House on multiple occasions, including several showings of his favorite, Sunset Boulevard.

The Apprentice filmmakers on ‘shocking’ struggle to find a buyer: ‘It’s cowardice in the face of Donald Trump’

“I hope he sees the movie, but I actually don’t think he would,” says Jeremy Strong, who plays Trump’s mentor, Roy Cohn. “I think there’s a lot in it that he would recognize. And I think there’s nothing really in this movie that he hasn’t acknowledged and even bragged about at some point or another. I hope he sees it. That would alone be worth making it.”

“I’m sure he’s going to watch it at some point,” counters the film’s director, Ali Abbasi. “I feel like we’ve been fair, and I almost feel like there are a lot of things to like.”

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Gabriel Sherman, who wrote the film after covering Trump for years as a reporter, isn’t sure if Trump will see the movie, but he is sure that he wants him to. “Of course, I want everyone to see the movie from Donald Trump on down,” he says. “He doesn’t strike me as the most self-reflective person, but I think it would be fascinating to see him experience this part of his life and either agree with it or disagree. Whatever response he had, I think it would be really interesting.”

Asked to imagine how Trump might feel about it, Sherman notes he’d be “completely guessing,” but offers, “I think, on a basic level, he likes attention. So even if he says he hates the movie, I think there’s a part of him that likes that we’re talking about him as we speak. So I’m waiting for him to say on the campaign trail, ‘They got a Marvel superhero to play me. That’s the only person who could play me is a Marvel actor.’”

Speaking of the Marvel actor, Stan also struggles to envision whether Trump will see it and, if he did, what he’d make of it. “I have no idea. It’s very hard for me to know how he reacts next to anything, so I have no idea, and I can’t speak for him.”

He adds, “It seems like he’s got a lot going on, so I’m not sure he’ll have time, but if he wants to see it, I’m sure he knows who to call.”


Photos: ‘The Apprentice’ NY Premiere

I’ve added 82 UHQ/Untagged of Sebastian at “The Apprentice” Premiere in NY that took place yesterday.


Photo/Video: ‘The Apprentice’ and ‘A Different Man’ Press w/ screen captures

There are 8 new press videos for ‘The Apprentice‘ and two new for ‘A Different Man‘ with accompanying screen captures in the gallery, enjoy.


News: “It Shouldn’t Be Controversial”: Inside The Apprentice’s Hard-Won New York City Premiere

Vanity Fair -With an uncanny performance as a young Donald Trump in The Apprentice and an even less recognisable turn in A Different Man, the shapeshifting actor is embracing his freaky side.

“If you’re indicted, you’re invited,” Jeremy Strong’s Roy Cohn says in The Apprentice, a new film directed by Ali Abbasi and written by Vanity Fair special correspondent Gabriel Sherman.

The movie charts the rise of a young Donald Trump, as played by Sebastian Stan, across 1970s and ’80s New York. And Cohn’s credo was true for at least one person who attended the film’s New York premiere, held in Midtown’s DGA Theater—not far from some Trump properties. A denim-clad Michael Cohen, who was Trump’s political fixer decades after the mogul’s allegiance to Cohn had evaporated—and before he became one of the former president’s chief legal adversaries—was there at the request of Sherman, whom Cohen knew from his days “representing Mr. Trump and protecting him media-wise,” he told Vanity Fair. Cohen first learned about the film when a news outlet asked him to comment on it, mistaking him with Strong’s Cohn.

Cohen, who once declared he “would take a bullet” for Trump, later pleaded guilty to charges including campaign finance violations connected to a payment he made to the porn star Stormy Daniels. He served more than a year in prison, then testified against his former boss earlier this year. So he knows a thing or two about getting on the former president’s shit list. “If you put out a movie like this, you automatically become his enemy,” Cohen said of The Apprentice. “Now, you’re not gonna be top on the list—say, as myself or several other people—but you’ll still be on that list. And I assure you: Whether you’re number one or number 1,000 or number 10,000, you don’t wanna be on that list, because he will not stop. He will use every day that he’s still on this planet breathing in order to exact revenge on those that upset him.” (Nevertheless, Cohen said a project about his own time in Trump’s orbit is “possibly in the works.”)

The Apprentice will be released domestically on October 11—a mere 25 days before the 2024 election and, as Stan pointed out on the red carpet, on Trump’s father Fred’s birthday. VF was on hand with exclusive photos of the post-premiere afterparty, held at The Nines.

Months after it premiered to acclaim at May’s Cannes Film Festival, no distributor wanted to touch the film. Perhaps that’s because Trump’s campaign threatened legal action against the project, with chief spokesman Steven Cheung calling the “garbage” film “pure fiction” that doubled as “election interference by Hollywood elites.” On The Daily Show this week, though, Jon Stewart declared that Trump should just be “flattered” that Stan is playing him in the movie. Stan was happy for the shout-out: “Jon Stewart is a really smart, kind man,” he told VF. “He’s pretty good-looking himself, so I appreciate it.”

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Audio: The Next Best Picture Podcast – Interview With “The Apprentice” Stars Sebastian Stan & Jeremy Strong


Audio: WTF Podcast with Marc Maron

Sebastian Stan believes creativity is the best therapy. So even when he’s playing an unappealing person, like Jeff Gillooly in I, Tonya or Donald Trump in the new film The Apprentice, Sebastian knows there’s always something to learn about humanity through his performances. Sebastian talks with Marc about fleeing from his home country of Romania at a young age, learning from master filmmakers like Jonathan Demme, seeking out unique material like the film A Different Man, and finding out that his portrayal of Bucky Barnes in the Marvel franchise has helped people through tough times.

WTF POD WITH MARC MARONclick to listen/download the podcast isn’t embeddable on the site, interview starts around the 17 min mark


News: How Sebastian Stan became Donald Trump in The Apprentice

GQ UK -With an uncanny performance as a young Donald Trump in The Apprentice and an even less recognisable turn in A Different Man, the shapeshifting actor is embracing his freaky side.

When Sebastian Stan was growing up in Romania in the 1980s, he began to learn English through passive immersion. His mother, a concert pianist, would regularly play English music and language lessons on the family record player while they were going about their day. “I’d be playing with toys and I’d hear, like, ‘frog’ and ‘dog’, or whatever,” Stan says. It meant that by the time the actor moved to Vienna at age eight, where he attended an American international school – and later, when he moved to New York at 12 – he had a decent jumping-off point. “I’m a big believer in putting yourself in a situation where, subconsciously, there’s work being done.”

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Photo/Video: Sebastian on Graham Norton (w/ Screen Captures) (10/04/24)

Sebastian was on Graham Norton Show last night. I’ve added photos, videos and screencaps below. You can watch the show here on the BBC or below. Thanks to Sandra for the assistance. Enjoy.


News: The Apprentice filmmakers on ‘shocking’ struggle to find a buyer: ‘It’s cowardice in the face of Donald Trump’

Entertainment Weekly The Apprentice filmmakers on ‘shocking’ struggle to find a buyer: ‘It’s cowardice in the face of Donald Trump’

For much of the six years it took to make The Apprentice, the filmmakers and actors involved weren’t sure it would ever see the light of day.

But when it finally premiered at the Cannes Film Festival in May, earning an 11-minute standing ovation and positive reviews, director Ali Abbasi felt like his final hurdle — finding a distributor — would soon be behind him. And yet, the major Hollywood studios and streamers weren’t calling.

“It was pretty shocking for me after the reception we got in Cannes,” he admits. “I understand it from the business perspective of not wanting to have trouble, but we’re not in the business of ice creams. We’re not selling shoes. So yeah, it was shocking.”

He knew it wouldn’t be easy. After all, it’s a movie about the makings of Donald Trump, who many consider to be the most controversial, divisive, and litigious man in America. The former president has already threatened to sue the filmmakers, as has his friend, billionaire Dan Snyder, who helped finance the film, reportedly under the false impression that it depicted Trump in a purely positive light.

While the filmmakers believe the well-researched film to be a fair and balanced portrait, The Apprentice is nevertheless full of shocking scenes. Throughout its two-hour runtime, we see the former president taking diet pills, receiving liposuction and having scalp-reduction surgery, and, most incendiary of all, raping his ex-wife Ivana, as she alleged happened in a 1990 divorce deposition, according to one unconfirmed account. (She later denied her initial testimony, saying she felt “violated” but did not mean to be alleging rape “in a literal criminal sense.”)

“Listen, Trump threatens to sue the mailman, so I’m not surprised,” says journalist Gabriel Sherman, who wrote the script. In fact, Sherman says he finds the legal threats “sort of perversely satisfying.” That’s because the film presents Trump as we know him today to be largely a product of his relationship with his mentor, Roy Cohn, who taught the real estate scion three lessons that he has continued to live by: Always attack, deny everything, and never admit defeat.

“He’s basically just doing what Roy Cohn told him to do — he’s attacking,” Sherman explains. “I know how rigorously researched and solid the movie is, so I’m not worried from a legal perspective.”

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Photo/Video/Photoshoot: Sebastian Stan for Entertainment Weekly for ‘The Apprentice’ (w/ screen captures)

Hello! There’s been a ton added to the gallery. Entertainment Weekly has done a cover story for ‘The Apprentice’ and I’ve posted all of the videos below as well as screen captures and UHQ/untagged photos of the photoshoot in the gallery, enjoy.