Category: Blurbs


2017 Toronto International Film Festival: ‘I, Tonya’ Review Round-Up

Check out various snippets below from a variety of reviews of I, Tonya after it’s debut at the 2017 Toronto International Film Festival.

Hollywood Repoter: Despite its title, the pic (written by Steven Rogers) is deliberate in spreading the narrative focus around. Based, per the opening title cards, on frank interviews with the participants that are re-created here, the film front-and-centers not just Robbie’s Tonya but her ex-husband Jeff Gillooly (Sebastian Stan, endearingly stupid and embarrassed of his infamy), mother LaVona Golden (Allison Janney), skating coach Dian Rawlinson (Julianne Nicholson) and deluded “bodyguard” Shawn Eckhardt (Paul Walter Hauser). All are sadder now; wisdom is less evenly distributed. But each brings something to the table — even the too-proper Rawlinson, who when training young Tonya always encouraged her to wear nicer clothes and clean up her manners: A movie this full of colorful wingnuts needs a voice from Squaresville. […]

Variety: Part of the film’s drama — almost its morality — is that Tonya, though a highly successful skater who starts to compete in national championships, gets lower scores than she deserves, and the judges, at several points, come out and admit that it’s about factors besides skating — what they call “presentation.” But that’s just code for conventionality, for wanting to sell a homogenized image of America on the Olympics level. It has nothing to do with what any of this is supposed to be about — skating — and that lends Tonya a streak of rebel realness.

That’s the good side of her contempt for respectability. The bad side is that she falls for Jeff Gillooly (Sebastian Stan), a loser in a sardine mustache who’s nice enough to Tonya — when he isn’t punching her in the face. Their relationship isn’t portrayed as one of those hellacious ones in which the abuser keeps the abused under his thumb by threatening her. Tonya, no matter how much she gets slapped around, simply won’t cut him loose; she marries him, and leaves him, and keeps coming back to him. The movie is sharp enough to suggest that she feels the echo of her mother’s hatred in every slap, and she can’t give that up. She’s addicted to what she thinks she deserves. […]

The Wrap: As a whole the film delights in and demands audience participation by breaking the fourth wall often. Robbie brings a brand of vinegar we haven’t seen in her previous work, and it illuminates a long-forgotten trainwreck.

A postscript on screen says that Tonya now builds and restores decks in Michigan. We’ll take their word that it‘s the f—— truth. […]


Sebastian Stan visits ‘mystery city’ for Tulsa Wizard World appearance

Actor Sebastian Stan participated in a question-and-answer session Saturday at the Wizard World Tulsa pop culture convention.

After walking on stage and being introduced amid audience squeals, Stan said he was in a “mystery city” he used to hear about on the TV series “Friends.”

“This is where Chandler got into all that trouble,” Stan said.

Chandler Bing, Matthew Perry’s character on “Friends,” was temporarily relocated to Tulsa for work during the series.

Topics during Stan’s panel:

•Asked what storyline so far is his favorite as an actor, Stan picked the Winter Soldier saga because there is still unexplored territory with the character, which has appeared in multiple Marvel films.

“We still need to go back and figure some things out there,” Stan said, indicating he would like to fill in some blanks in the Winter Soldier’s history.
Stan, asked by the moderator if he was dropping hints about a possible movie, said, “I wish. I’m apparently campaigning for it without even really realizing it.”

•Stan said being curious worked in his favor. He encouraged audience members to be curious. He said he was curious to find role models once he “clicked” with acting while in college. He read biographies and discovered that Steve McQueen and other successful actors had troubled pasts. He said rough patches in life may be gifts you can learn from.
“That’s almost every superhero story,” he said.

Fave biography? “I just read all the acting ones from Pacino to Brando to DeNiro to Steve McQueen,” he said.

“The problem for me is these people just totally seemed like they were gods. Everyone idolized them.”

But Stan said those actors didn’t start out that way. “We made them into gods,” he said. “They just found a way to make themselves available.”

•Stan said he (gasp!) hasn’t seen “The Walking Dead,” but he watches “Game of Thrones” and “Stranger Things.”

•Does Stan watch a lot of his own movies? “After consuming a lot of alcohol, I do,” he said, adding that it’s hard to watch your own movies and it gets easier after the passage of time “and have kind of moved on.”

•Stan was asked what the Winter Soldier’s last thoughts were when he was going back on ice at the end of “Captain America: Civil War.” On-stage joking between the moderator and Stan ranged from “my arm itches” to “should’ve had dessert.” Stan then surmised that the Winter Soldier is in a place of relief because, after being “followed by this shadow such a long time,” that the character can kind of “just chill.” No pun was intended.

Said Stan: “Who is to say that whatever they put him to sleep with doesn’t give him nice dreams?”



‘I’m Not Here’ Starts Production in Los Angeles, Stars Sebastian Stan & J.K. Simmons

Back in March Sebastian touched on the subject of this film briefly with Den Of Geek, referring to the project as an “Indie” film and calling it “Steve’s Umbrella,” which we now learn has been re-titled as “I’m Not Here.” The film stars Sebastian, J.K. Simmons, Mandy Moore, Max Greenfield, David Koechner, and Harold Perrineau to name a few of the key cast.

Keep reading below to find out more about the film.

In a package from Gersh and ICM Partners that has come together in time for Cannes, the Oscar-winner will star with Sebastian Stan from current blockbuster Captain America: Civil War and Maika Monroe in Rubber Tree Production’s left-field love story.

I’m Not Here has just started production in Los Angeles and centres on a man – to be played by Simmons and Stan – striving for redemption when he meets a flawed yet fearless woman.

Mandy Moore, Max Greenfield, David Koechner, Harold Perrineau, and newcomers Iain Armitage and Jeremy Maguire round out the key cast.

Michelle Schumacher directs from a screenplay she co-wrote with Tony Cummings and produces alongside Randle Schumacher and Eric Radzan for Rubber Tree Productions.

Gersh and ICM Partners represent worldwide sales and will introduce I’m Not Here to buyers at the market in Cannes next week.

Simmons currently stars in The Meddler with Susan Sarandon, while Monroe will be seen in summer release Independence Day: Resurgence.

Thanks to site visitor Weronika for the heads up!


Sebastian hits career high-water mark in ‘Civil War’ Says Mark Hughes

I know there are many reviews already floating around for ‘Civil War’, but this little tidbit managed to get my notice and I have to say I am so proud of Sebastian. I’m sure I’ll have another one of my own “proud mama-bear” moments when I finally see the film myself, but just hearing such high praise really warms my heart. Check it out below:

Sebastian Stan hits a career high-water mark with this performance, working so well not just in dramatic scenes with Evans and Downey but also demonstrating deft comedic timing with Anthony Mackie.

You can check out the entire review over at


Sebastian Stan teases Marvel’s ‘Civil War’ at Salt Lake Comic Con

The Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Winter Soldier was a lot more talkative during his Salt Lake Comic Con panel than his masked, brooding supervillain character.

Though fans peppered Sebastian Stan with questions about the upcoming “Captain America: Civil War,” he couldn’t say much about the anticipated schism between the superheroes. His Friday afternoon panel marked Stan’s first solo outing on a convention stage.

Stan did say, though, that he gets to spend a lot of time with Anthony Mackie — who will make his own panel appearance Saturday — and that the action scenes are even better than those in “Captain America: The Winter Soldier.” That’s coming from the man who tore up Washington, D.C., with grenades, guns and a magnetic bomb.

He also gets to talk a whole lot more.

Of course, in the comics, Bucky comes back around and even assumes the role of Captain America in Steve Rogers’ absence. If Chris Evans were to depart similarly, would Stan rather put on the Red, White and Blues, or give that honor to Mackie, whose character currently is carrying the mantle in the comics?

The talkative Stan grinned and gave a more Winter Soldier-esque: “Myself.”

Whether the movies will let him wield the shield, though, is impossible for him to say.

“I’ll say this: They sure like to dangle a cheese in front of my nose a lot,” Stan said. In both movies, he’s picked up Cap’s shield in the middle of a battle, as a quick homage to Bucky’s tenure as Captain America in the comic books. “They’re like ‘Oh yeah, that’s where you pick up the shield,’ and I’m like, ‘Yeah, I’ve heard that one before. There it is again.'”

“But I don’t know. If I could say one thing, if anyone can have anything to do with it, to make it happen, is you,” he added, pointing from the stage to a roaring crowd of about 4,500 fans.

For now, though, he’s still the recuperating soldier, a role he prepared for by researching post-traumatic stress disorder, hearing stories about soldiers having difficulty reintegrating after war and reading the Marvel comics. Storylines about Bucky piecing his memories and life together were incredibly helpful for him.

“And everything about his childhood was extremely inspiring,” Stan said. “I didn’t know that he had a sister who ends up going into an orphanage and later ends up dying of Alzheimer’s. The fact that this whole story with his father, all those things were very real for me and very helpful in terms of pulling a person together.” They showed Stan “the fact that this is why he ends up being used by HYDRA and the Russians and so on, because he comes from a really troubled past.”

Though he hasn’t had many lines to imbue with that pathos, Stan isn’t on cruise control through the silent stretches, either. Music, in particular, helped him “always have something going on.”
Continue reading


Winter Soldier To Be Featured in End Credit Scene of ‘Ant-Man’

That’s right – not even in theaters until next July 17, 2015, the mid and end credit scenes for the movie has already been unveiled (well, what will happen in it, at least). According to

In the mid-credits scene for Ant-Man, “Hank Pym (Michael Douglas) gives the Wasp costume with wings to Hope Van Dyne (Evangeline Lilly)” and “Hank explains to Hope what happened to Hope’s mother Janet Van Dyne.” As for the post-credits scene, “Captain America (Chris Evans) and Falcon (Anthony Mackie) have located The Winter Soldier (Sebastian Stan) to a remote location where The Winter Soldier is tied up.” Falcon asks Cap, “Should I call Stark?” He replied “No,” before Falcon says, “I know who to call,” referring to Ant-Man. Falcon appears in key scenes in the movie.

Adding credibility to the above descriptions, the finalized Ant-Man cast list confirms that Anthony Mackie is definitely in the movie while Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan have “uncredited” roles. Evidently, they all, including Paul Rudd, return in Captain America: Civil War.



Sebastian to take part in celebrity reading of Beth Henley’s play Crimes of the Heart


The New Group will present a starry benefit reading of Beth Henley’s Pulitzer Prize-winning Crimes of the Heart Oct. 28 at The New Group @ Theatre Row.

Directed by Scott Elliott, the cast will feature Marin Ireland, Natasha Lyonne, Zosia Mamet, Sebastian Stan, Raviv Ullman and Allison Williams. Show time is 7 PM.

The acclaimed comedy, according to press notes, is “about the intrigues and scandals of the three MaGrath sisters, who reunite on the occasion of Babe MaGrath’s having shot her husband.”

Crimes of the Heart premiered Off-Broadway in 1980 and then ran on Broadway at the The Golden Theatre, garnering the Pulitzer Prize and the New York Drama Critics’ Circle Award. In 1986 the play was made into a film directed by Bruce Beresford.

The reading will cast Ireland as Lenny, Lyonne as Chick, Mamet as Babe, Stan as Doc, Ullman as Barnette and Williams as Meg.
The New Group launches its 2013-14 season with the New York premiere of the Geffen Playhouse production of Henley’s The Jacksonian. Directed by Tony Award winner Robert Falls, this production features Ed Harris, Glenne Headly, Amy Madigan, Bill Pullman and Juliet Brett. Previews begin Oct. 25.

Tickets to the one-night-only benefit reading of Crimes of the Heart, priced $100, are extremely limited. Contact Jamie Lehrer at (212) 244-3380, ext. 308 or

The New Group @ Theatre Row (The Acorn Theatre) is located at 410 West 42nd Street, between 9th & 10th Avenues. For more information visit

Source: Playbill


Maggie Grace Talks ‘Picnic’ with ELLE, Talks About Sebastian Being Shirtless

See what Sebastian’s Picnic co-star, Maggie Grace had to say when she spoke with ELLE.COM recently.

elle-maggie ELLE: We should mention that Sebastian Stan, who plays Hal, is gorgeous and he spends almost the entire play shirtless and gleaming with sweat.
MG: It’s ridiculously hot, right? It reminds me of that scene in Crazy, Stupid, Love in which Ryan Gosling takes his shirt off and Emma Stone says, “That’s not even real; that’s Photoshop.” There are muscles on that man that I didn’t even know existed.”

ELLE: Did he just show up on the first day of rehearsal and strip?
There was one day when the director said it would be helpful to understand how obscene it was at the time [of the play] for a man to be half-naked. He said, “I’d really appreciate it if you’d remove your shirt starting today.” And it changed everything! All of us became so uncomfortable! Once that happened, I honestly think we could divide the rehearsal process. There was B.S.S. (before Sebastian shirtless) and A.S.S. (after Sebastian shirtless)!


Ellen Burstyn on Working with Sebastian Again

VANITY FAIR spoke with the fabulous Ellen Burstyn recently, and she had nothing but kind words to say about Sebastian! Read below to see what she had to say. 🙂

So how has it been working with Sebastian Stan again?
Oh, terrific. We were still doing Political Animals when he met with [Picnic director] Sam Gold and he told me about it, and then I was all excited for him because I thought it was a wonderful part for him, and then all of a sudden I got a call to meet with Sam. When I did, I told him how much I enjoyed working with Sebastian, and I was kind of pitching him to Sam. And Sam said, “I’m hiring him.” So he had already decided. I was very excited for him. He’s a darling guy. He’s just real sweet and we are having a very good time.

Yes. You can tell! The chemistry is very obvious onstage between the two of you.
Yeah, I must say the whole company, you know, it’s a true ensemble and we get along very well. Everybody is terrific. They’re wonderful people, and we are having a glorious time.