Category: Audio


Sebastian Talks Relationships with Will Malnati on The Drop-In

This is only part one of Sebastian’s interview, so stay tuned for the second part coming next week!

On the eve of the US release of “Captain America: Civil War” hear Will speak with actor Sebastian Stan about managing relationships surrounding a massive premiere, growing up in a conservative home and the type of Uber driver he would be.


#TeamCap Surprised Singapore fans on Skype in the cutest way


Sebastian Chats with Happy Sad Confused

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On the 100th episode of Happy Sad Confused, the dynamically short-haired Miles Teller returns to join Josh to talk about Han Solo rumors, The Divergent Series, and his perspective on Fantastic Four. Then, the delightful Sebastian Stan joins Josh to talk about his many nicknames, The Bronze, and becoming the Winter Soldier in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.


This Week in Marvel Featuring Chris Evans & Sebastian Stan! (Audio)

You can listen to Marvel’s podcast featuring Sebastian and Chris below!